Papers please game test
Papers please game test

papers please game test

  • Option to move to a better apartment can be available at the end of the day even though it does not have any effect on the game at this point.
  • At the end of the day, the inspector will receive 5 credits for each two entrants detained today even though Calensk initially said that he would pay the inspector every two days and the last time he delivered payment was on day 30.
  • Escaping will end the game, leading to ending 16 (if some or all living family members were left behind) or 18 (if all living family members escaped).
  • It is possible to leave some or all family members behind.
  • One Obri passport and 25 credits per a living family member are needed.
  • If the game does not end before a normal end of day screen, an option to escape to Obristan is still available.
  • If the inspector eliminates the attacker in this small window, the wall will stay intact.

    papers please game test

    They will then walk away from the wall before blowing it up. The upper attacker walks up to the wall and places explosives.If the inspector shoots even one of the people running for the breach, the game will end in two ways, depending on which rifle is used first (endings 5 or 6).If the inspector neutralizes both attackers before they blow up the wall and the booth, a normal end of day screen will appear.The future of the inspector and his family is unknown. EZIC rises to power, but the inspector has no place in New Arstotzka. If the inspector allows the agents to blow up the wall but shoots at least one of them, the game will end ( ending 15).EZIC will take power, move the inspector's family to a better apartment, and make him an agent ( ending 19). If the inspector allows the agents to blow up the wall and does not shoot any of them, the game will end.

    papers please game test

    It is advised to shoot the lower attacker first since that one will attack the booth. If they blow up the booth, an instant death ending occurs. Firing at the agents at this point will make them start attacking the inspector.If the inspector has completed at least four (out of five) EZIC tasks given in the game, an EZIC messenger appeared as the second entrant and the attackers will not attack the booth but will blow up the wall.If the inspector prevents them from blowing the booth and the wall, a normal end of day screen (where rent is paid, etc.) will appear.If the inspector prevents them from blowing up the booth but not the wall, he will be arrested for failing to defend the border ( ending 13).If they succeed in blowing up the booth, instant death will occur.Depending on the inspector's actions, one of the following will occur: If the inspector has completed fewer than four EZIC tasks during the game, the lower agent will attack the booth while the other one blows up the wall.At this point, an option to use the tranquilizer gun becomes available. EZIC agents pull up in a van, kill the guards, and start approaching the wall and the inspector's booth.

    papers please game test

    The day will continue to this point even if the clock reaches 6pm. See table below for possible options or keep reading. The end event starts during the inspection of the eighth entrant.He gives the inspector 40 credits, thanks the inspector, and walks away. This indicates that it is now impossible to the get the "good" EZIC ending ( ending 19). If fewer than four EZIC tasks have been completed, a procedurally generated regular entrant will appear instead.Hold your fire * The Order of The Ezic Star." They hand the inspector a note saying (in all caps), " Grestin checkpoint is at an end. If the inspector has completed at least four out of five EZIC tasks, the second entrant will be an EZIC messenger.An unauthorized confiscation will lead to a citation. If they carry passports, those can be confiscated if the inspector needs more Obri passports in preparation for his family's escape (see day 29). The first and the seventh entrant are Obri citizens.NEW: All denials must be accompanied by reason for denial (not in the rulebook, but is introduced in the official bulletin).NEW: Wanted criminals must not enter (not in the rulebook, but is introduced in the official bulletin).Entrant must have polio vaccine certificate.Confiscate Arstotzkan passports belonging to Altan residents.Arstotzkan citizens must have an ID card.NEW: Foreigners require an entry ticket.All denials must be accompanied by reason for denial (not in the rulebook).Wanted criminals must not enter (not in the rulebook).

    Papers please game test